Tear Through Treatment

Crafted to address under-eye hollows and dark circles, our personalized approach ensures a refreshed and more youthful appearance that illuminates your eyes.

Illuminate Your Eyes, Rejuvenate Your Look

Tear Trough Treatment

Understanding the Tear Trough Area

The tear trough is a delicate area located beneath the lower eyelid and extends towards the mid-cheek region. As we age, the skin and soft tissues in this area may lose volume and elasticity, leading to the formation of hollows, dark circles, and under-eye bags. Additionally, factors such as genetics, lifestyle habits, and sun exposure can contribute to the development of under-eye concerns, making the tear trough area a common target for cosmetic enhancement.

What is Tear Trough Treatment?

Tear Trough Treatment, also known as Tear Trough Filler or Under Eye Filler, is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure designed to rejuvenate the under-eye area and diminish the appearance of dark circles, hollows, and under-eye bags. This innovative treatment utilizes injectable fillers, such as hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers, to restore volume, smooth out wrinkles, and improve the overall contour of the tear trough area, resulting in a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

Treatment cost

Consultation Fee (which can be offset against treatment plan)
£ 100
Price Start From*
£ 450
* After consultation the doctor will confirm the cost.

Treatment Summary at a glance

Treatment Time Per

20 mins.

Recommended No. of Session

Dependent on treatments needed


Not usually required

Key Information related to Treatment
Side Effects:
Redness at injection sites, possible mild bruising and discomfort.
Rejuvenate under eye area, reduce dark circles and eye bags.
Duration of results:
12-18 months
Back to Work:
Full Recovery:
No significant downtime

Treatment cost

Consultation Fee (which can be offset against treatment plan)
£ 100
Price Start From*
£ 450
* After consultation the doctor will confirm the cost.

Treatment Summary at a glance

Treatment Time Per

Usually less than 20 mins

Recommended No. of Session

Dependent on treatments needed


Not usually required

Key Information related to Treatment
Side Effects:
Redness at injection sites, possible mild bruising and discomfort, skin infection.
Rejuvenate under eye area, reduce dark circles and eye bags.
Duration of results:
12-18 months
Back to Work:
Full Recovery:
No significant downtime
What We Can Do For You

Your Tear Trough Treatment Journey

Your Tear Trough Treatment journey starts with a one-on-one consultation with Dr. SNA. Discuss your concerns, aesthetic goals, and specific issues related to under-eye hollows. Dr. SNA will carefully assess your eye area and create a customized treatment plan.

Experience the gradual transformation of your skin as PRP works its magic. Notice improvements in skin texture, increased firmness, and a lifted appearance that reflects a more youthful and radiant you.

Tear Trough Treatment Benefits

  • Diminished Under-Eye Hollows
  • Reduced Dark Circles
  • Natural-Looking Results
  • Rested and Vibrant Eyes

Before and After

tear tough before and after effect

Tear Trough Treatment

dr sna doing marking with white marker on women face
dr sna doing marking with white marker on women face

Hear from our happy clients!

What Our Customers Say?

Your Tear Trough Treatment Consultation: What To Expect

During your Tear Trough Treatment consultation with Dr. SNA, expect a personalized discussion addressing your under-eye concerns, a thorough eye assessment, and a review of your medical history. Dr. SNA ensures you feel fully informed and comfortable with the treatment process, laying the groundwork for optimal and tailored results.

Book Your Tear Trough Treatment Consultation

Ready to brighten your eyes and rejuvenate your look? Book your consultation with Dr. SNA and experience the transformative effects of Tear Trough Treatment.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Yes, Tear Trough Treatment is considered safe when administered by trained professionals. Dr. SNA prioritizes your safety and satisfaction throughout the process.

    Results vary, but many clients enjoy the benefits of Tear Trough Treatment for several months before considering a touch-up.

    The procedure involves minimal discomfort, and Dr. SNA takes measures to ensure your comfort throughout the session.

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