PRP Shot for Women

Embark on a journey to enhance your intimate wellness with the PRP Shot at Dr SNA Clinic.

Elevate Your Intimate Wellness, Rediscover Pleasure

PRP Shot for Women Treatments

The PRP Shot for Women, shot for Orgasm, is a non-surgical procedure that aims to rejuvenate and enhance sexual function in women.

It involves injecting platelet-rich plasma (PRP) derived from the patient’s own blood into specific areas of the vagina and clitoris.

Given that male sexual dysfunction is frequently “in the spotlight,” it may come as a surprise to learn that a startling 63% of women experience comparable issues, leaving them unable to ever truly enjoy intimacy. PRP therapy for women can make all the difference in their lives, regardless of whether their issues are related to menopause, childbearing, aging, or both.

The goal of the vaginal PRP injection is to stimulate the sensitivity of the nerve endings by stimulating new vaginal tissue, boosting blood flow, and ultimately improving the sensitivity of the nerve endings. With the Orgasm Shot, ladies can fully experience intimacy with their lover, including a gratifying climax, perhaps for the first time in a long time.

Optimizing your crucial erogenous zones and delivering a mutually beneficial experience for both you and your partner by focusing on your elusive “G-spot,” this procedure helps this highly sensitive area by boosting blood flow, rebuilding the tissue in the G-spot, and ultimately enhancing sensitivity during sexual activity.

The outcomes of this groundbreaking procedure, which is usually thought to be most interesting for women between the ages of 35 and 50, have also sparked a significant deal of curiosity among women seeking the “big O” in their early 20s. Is making dead love depressing you?

No need to search any farther—let PRP vaginal shot UK bring back your inner “sexy goddess.”

Treatment cost

Consultation Fee (which can be offset against treatment plan)
£ 100
Price Start From*
£ 1200
* After consultation the doctor will confirm the cost.

Treatment Summary at a glance

Procedure Time

Around 40 mins.

Recommended No. of Session



Numbing cream

Key Information related to Treatment
Side Effects:
Limited to injection pain.
Helps achieve enhanced sexual pleasure, increased arousal and orgasm. Marked improvement in Lichen Sclerosus symptoms.
Duration of results:
Varies, repeat treatments may be required.
Back to Work:
Return to normal immediately, including sexual intercourse
Full Recovery:
A few hours

Treatment cost

Consultation Fee (which can be offset against treatment plan)
£ 100
Price Start From*
£ 1200
* After consultation the doctor will confirm the cost.

Treatment Summary at a glance

Procedure Time

Around 40 mins.

Recommended No. of Session



Numbing cream

Key Information related to Treatment
Side Effects:
Limited to injection pain.
Helps achieve enhanced sexual pleasure, increased arousal and orgasm. Marked improvement in Lichen Sclerosus symptoms.
Duration of results:
Varies, repeat treatments may be required.
Back to Work:
Return to normal immediately, including sexual intercourse
Full Recovery:
A few hours

Unlocking Sensuality with PRP Shot for Women

The PRP Shot for Women, or Orgasm Shot, is a revolutionary procedure at Dr SNA Clinic that harnesses the potential of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP). This non-surgical treatment stimulates tissue rejuvenation, resulting in heightened sensitivity, improved lubrication, and an overall enhancement of sexual pleasure.

Our Services

Women's PRP Shot Journey

Initiate your journey with a confidential consultation with Dr. Abbas. Discuss your intimate wellness concerns, and Dr. Abbas will assess your needs, curating a personalized plan for PRP Shot treatment for Women.

The Women’s PRP Shot procedure involves drawing a small amount of your blood, processing it to concentrate the platelets, and strategically injecting the PRP into specific areas of the vaginal region. This non-surgical and minimally invasive approach allows for minimal downtime.

Experience the transformation of your intimate well-being as the Women PRP Shot takes effect. Rediscover increased sensitivity, improved lubrication, and heightened sexual pleasure, fostering a renewed sense of confidence and satisfaction.

PRP shot treatment for women

Benefits of PRP Shot for Women

PRP Shot fpr Women treatment offers a range of benefits for women seeking to enhance their intimate health and sexual experience, including:

  • Increased Sensitivity: PRP Shot treatment can improve blood flow and stimulate nerve function in the genital area, leading to heightened sensitivity and enhanced pleasure during sexual activity.

  • Improved Lubrication: Many women experience improved vaginal lubrication following PRP Shot treatment for Women, reducing discomfort and enhancing comfort and enjoyment during intercourse.

  • Enhanced Orgasms: By stimulating tissue regeneration and nerve function, PRP Shot for women treatment can lead to stronger, more frequent orgasms that are easier to achieve and more satisfying.

  • Non-Surgical and Minimally Invasive: PRP Shot treatment is a non-surgical procedure that requires no incisions or downtime, making it a convenient and discreet option for women seeking to improve their intimate health.

Is PRP Shot Treatment Right for You?

If you’re experiencing challenges with decreased sensitivity, difficulty achieving orgasm, or other concerns related to intimate health, PRP Shot treatment may be an ideal option to rejuvenate your sexual function and enhance your overall well-being. However, it’s essential to schedule a consultation with our team at Dr. SNA Clinic to determine if PRP Shot treatment is the right solution for you. During your consultation, we will assess your candidacy, address any questions or concerns you may have, and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs and goals.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Ready to enhance your intimate health and rediscover pleasure and satisfaction in the bedroom? Contact Dr. SNA Clinic today to schedule your consultation and discover the transformative benefits of PRP Shot treatment for Women. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing safe, effective, and personalized solutions to help you achieve your sexual health goals and improve your overall quality of life. We look forward to helping you experience heightened sensuality and intimacy with O-Shot treatment.

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Your PRP Shot Treatments Consultation:
What To Expect

During your PRP Shot consultation, anticipate a confidential and personalized discussion with Dr. Abbas about your intimate wellness concerns. Dr. Abbas will assess your needs, provide insights into the PRP Shot procedure, and ensure your complete understanding and comfort, fostering the best possible results for enhancing your intimate well-being.

Book Your O-Shot Consultation

Ready to elevate your intimate wellness and rediscover pleasure? Book your consultation with Dr. SNA and embark on the transformative journey of the PRP Shot.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Yes, the PRP Shot for Women is administered by Dr. SNA Clinic, ensuring a safe and comfortable experience with prioritized satisfaction.

    Results may vary, but many women experience sustained improvements in sexual wellness.

    The procedure involves minimal discomfort, and Dr. SNA prioritizes your comfort throughout the session.

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