Excessive Sweating

Dr. SNA’s expertise and advanced solutions offer an effective way to manage and reduce excessive sweating, allowing you to feel confident and dry.

Reclaim Confidence, Stay Dry

Excessive Sweating Treatment

What is Excessive Sweating Treatment?

Excessive Sweating Treatment at Dr SNA Clinic involves the use of advanced techniques, such as Botulinum Toxin injections, to address hyperhidrosis. This condition causes overactive sweat glands, leading to persistent and bothersome sweating. Our treatment provides relief by temporarily blocking signals that stimulate sweat production.

Treatment cost

Consultation Fee (which can be offset against treatment plan)
£ 100
Price Start From*
£ 600
* After consultation the doctor will confirm the cost.

Treatment Summary at a glance

Treatment Time Per

15 mins.

Recommended No. of Session




Key Information related to Treatment
Side Effects:
Generally safe and well-tolerated. Temporary discomfort at the injection site.
Major reduction in sweating.
Duration of results:
6-12 months
Back to Work:
Full Recovery:
Immediately after procedure.

Treatment cost

Consultation Fee (which can be offset against treatment plan)
£ 100
Price Start From*
£ 600
* After consultation the doctor will confirm the cost.

Treatment Summary at a glance

Treatment Time Per

15 mins.

Recommended No. of Session




Key Information related to Treatment
Side Effects:
Generally safe and well-tolerated. Temporary discomfort at the injection site.
Major reduction in sweating.
Duration of results:
6-12 months
Back to Work:
Full Recovery:
Immediately after procedure.
Our Services

Your Excessive Sweating Treatment Journey

Your journey begins with a one-on-one consultation with Dr. SNA. Discuss your concerns related to excessive sweating, and Dr. SNA will assess the severity and recommend a personalized treatment plan.

The Excessive Sweating Treatment involves the precise injection of Botulinum Toxin into the targeted areas, such as the underarms. This temporarily blocks nerve signals that stimulate sweat glands, effectively reducing excessive sweating. The procedure is minimally invasive, with minimal downtime.

Experience the relief from excessive sweating as the treatment takes effect. Enjoy drier underarms and an improved sense of confidence, knowing that you can go about your day without the hindrance of persistent sweat.

excessive sweating treatment - dr sna clinic

Excessive Sweating Treatment Benefits

  • Reduced Sweat Production
  • Increased Confidence
  • Minimally Invasive Procedure
  • Long-Lasting Results

Is Excessive Sweating Treatment Right for You?

If you’re struggling with the physical and emotional impact of excessive sweating, it’s essential to seek professional help to explore your treatment options. Our team at Dr. SNA Clinic is dedicated to providing compassionate care and effective solutions to help you manage hyperhidrosis and regain confidence in your daily life.

Ready to take control of excessive sweating and enjoy a more comfortable, confident life? Schedule your consultation with Dr. Abbas and explore our comprehensive treatment options for hyperhidrosis. Our experienced team is here to support you every step of the way and help you find relief from excessive sweating with personalized care and tailored treatment plans.

Hear from our happy clients!

What Our Customers Say?

Your Excessive Sweating Treatment Consultation: What To Expect

During your Excessive Sweating Treatment consultation, anticipate a personalized discussion with Dr. SNA regarding your concerns. Dr. SNA will assess the severity of your excessive sweating, provide recommendations, and ensure your complete understanding and comfort with the treatment process, fostering optimal and personalized results.

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Book Your Excessive Sweating Treatment Consultation

Ready to stay dry and confident? Book your consultation with Dr. SNA and discover the transformative possibilities of Excessive Sweating Treatment.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Yes, Excessive Sweating Treatment with Botulinum Toxin is considered safe when administered by trained professionals. Dr. SNA prioritizes your safety and satisfaction throughout the process.

    Results may vary, but many clients enjoy the benefits of reduced sweating for several months before considering a follow-up treatment.

     The procedure involves minimal discomfort, and Dr. SNA takes measures to ensure your comfort throughout the session.

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